NBSR Workshop Series

Sunday 31 January 2016

Elemental Instruments - An Exploration of Psychoacoustics

Psychoacoustics defn:
"The branch of psychology concerned with the perception of sound and its physiological effects."

A short way into my hypnotherapy practice I became fascinated by exploring the strategic use of sound to induce trance states for the purpose of improving mental and emotional wellbeing in my clients.

In the wrong hands, trance states can be used incorrectly, but in our own hands we can learn to use the same technology with responsibility and clear intention, exclusively for self-motivation. Working in a trance state (hypnotherapy) can train a person to practice getting passed their subconscious fears, doubts, anxiety, or feelings of helplessness.

With practice then, is it possible for every one of us to enjoy our own individual versions of success, wellness, happiness, and peace of mind?

During my fine arts degree I was inspired by an experience in meditation, where I saw the Universe as a slowly turning, living, breathing doughnut-shaped plant form, like a galaxy. During this experience I also heard a sound that was later described to me as the "Cosmic Hum". The experience effected me quite profoundly, and my sculpture style immediately changed from figurative-fantasy to the construction of musical instruments that recall the experience that I had in meditation. To create the living breathing quality, the sculptures are automated (self-motivated) to make sound using elemental forces: wind, rain, gravity, and fire - hence "Elemental Instruments".

Exhibition Opening

  • Sunday 6 March 6:30 pm
  • The Garden of Elemental Instruments - 19 Dalmore Road Tokai Cape Town
All are welcome, entrance is free. Can you think of someone who would be interested in this exhibition? Please share!

If you are interested in psychoacoustics and would like to know about the actual frequencies that I use in my hypnotherapy sessions, check out this article I wrote on my hypnotherapy website: Sound Hypnosis – What is 432 Hz?

Saturday 29 November 2014

Happiness Test

15 - 20 minutes
Is your happiness a luxury or a necessity? When you feel that your days have become an endless list of tasks, it's normal to question the importance of enjoying yourself. However, during these challenges your ability to remember what gives you pleasure is important both in determining the outcome of the challenge, and in the long term, determining your quality of life. Knowing how to feel good is a powerful way to boost your mental, physical, and emotional health. Take this test to measure your happiness index, and discover your happiness quotient (HQ).
There are two types of questions in this test: value assessment and solution identification. For each value assessment question, select the answer that is currently most important to you. For the solution identification, indicate your preference from the list of options. In order to receive the most accurate results, please answer each question as honestly as possible.
After finishing the test, you will receive a list of your strengths, your score on the happiness index, and a detailed interpretation of your happiness quotient with advice on how to proceed.
Take the Test!
NBSR Personal Development Study, Copyright 2014 All your answers are strictly confidential. Contact: info@nbsr.co.za

Monday 12 May 2014

How To Motivate Staff In The Workplace - The Profits and Benefits of Performance Management and Employee Engagement

Motivated employees engage more highly and make more profit
In this workshop, you will view:
  • How to motivate staff in the workplace
  • Importance of motivating employees
  • Benefits of motivating employees in an organisation
  • Benefits of motivation to employees
  • How to increase employee productivity at work
  • How to motivate demotivated staff
From all the motivational speakers in Durban, Andrew stands out with a unique experience in personal development coaching, which gives him an unusual understanding of human behaviour. As a corporate motivational speaker, Andrew's warm, down-to-earth style is both humorous and entertaining, while remaining extremely focussed. His motivational workshops for employees are tailored to address the needs of your organisation. The core material of his employee motivation workshop will be delivered in this power-point presentation, intended for H.R. managers, executives, and business owners. Full notes including the course outline will be provided.

Monday 31 March 2014

GPS For Life - GOAL PROGRAMMING SYSTEM - The NBSR Goal Setting Template and Success Journal Webinar

Webinar: April 15, 7pm to 9pm [South Africa, GMT+2] FREE!

How do you make your goals happen? 

Setting them is easy enough, but it seems pretty idealistic... Using a template to clarify your intention, you can set deadlines for the different stages, but even if you plan the next ten years down to the day, your template isnt going to make it happen. 

So, how does it work? 
Why are successful people good at achieving goals? 
What do they do that you're not doing?

In this webinar I'm going to explain how to use the secret that thousands of successful people are using to motivate themselves, and climb higher than they ever imagined they could.

You may think the secret is obvious - all you have to do is take action, and you will get there. But think about that for a moment, how easy is that really? Can you commit to focussing on one continuous action until you get it right, without becoming distracted? Not many people realise this amazing fact:

The secret is not only about taking action

it's how to keep your actions 
focussed on your goal until you reach it.

Action is the tip of the iceberg. The whole of the ice burg becomes a lot more complicated. Lets say you want to improve your income, so you register for the training that you will need to qualify for a higher salary. That's a pretty simple goal isnt it? All you have to do is apply yourself to the action of studying!

But that's not simple at all!! You have to juggle studying with working, your relationship, you kids, writing exams, its too much so you postpone your deadline, then you become irritated or depressed, start to believe you failed at it, now its never going to happen because of fear of failure. Ok. What are you missing? How can you remain focussed on your goal until you reach it?

Just for second imagine you had GPS for your life, that not only tells you exactly where you are in your life at any given time, but also tells you exactly what you have to do to get to where you want to be. Any time life gives you a detour, your plan doesn’t fall apart, you just take a different rout!

That would be amazing, wouldn’t it?

In my free webinar on April 15, I am going to show you 

  • How to turn a simple goal setting template into a highly effective GPS - GOAL PROGRAMMING SYSTEM - 
  • That keeps reminding you why you are working every day, 
  • And keeps rewarding you by letting you know when you have accomplished strategic points in your journey. 

Sign in here to reserve your free seat:


If you miss the webinar, we will send you a link so that you will be able to watch it any time on You Tube.

You can also download the complete worksheets here: R160

Download: R160

Sunday 2 March 2014

GPS Goal Programming System - overcome depression, anxiety, and procrastination

Strategic Goal setting, five steps to overcome depression, anxiety, and procrastination

Setting goals is easy, but essentially very idealistic. Using a template to set your goals just means that your ideas can be clarified in detail, and "realistic" time frames can be set, but even if you plan the next ten years down to the day, how will that make anything happen? How many goals have you written down and forgotten? Why is writing your goals so important?

Depression and procrastination can be such a powerful combination, that even a direction from a satellite guidance system can seem pointless or confusing.

Depression is the most common psycho-emotional problem in the world, and yet a full cure can not be claimed by any of our extremely complicated, expensive psychiatric drugs. In fact, the full cure for depression can only be found in a personal decision to make some lifestyle improvements, followed by a daily program for reminding yourself what you are doing, and why you are doing it. In 9 years of practice as a Hypnotherapist I have seen over 100 cases of depression transformed, using this method. You must make the decision to improve yourself, and you must follow a daily program to stay positive. 

Procrastination is usually caused by the feeling of being ill-equipped to handle the task at hand. Not knowing what to do, self doubt, fear, or doubting your process, creates overload in your mind, too many thoughts, anxiety, and indecision. A task that should take a few hours, can take weeks, or just never happen. The opposite of procrastination is feeling confident, knowing what to do, having the skill and equipment to accomplish the task, and finding decisions easy to make and obvious. 

The NBSR Goal Programming System consists of the Goal Setting Template, the Five Step Strategy, and the Success Journal - three methods which compliment each other very well. The Goal Setting Template provides the vital blueprint or recipe containing the strategy that you are going to follow, to find yourself in the life that you wish for. This is the template for making your dream into a 10 year plan, with strategic goals for every 3 years. Each year you will have a new 1 year goal, that helps you to break the journey into progressively easier-to-handle sections. The Goal Setting Template is your map, with your rout planned out. The Five Step Strategy then divides your 1 year goal into 5 manageable sections, and is applied to each of your 1 year goals as you progress through your 3 year strategy. The Success Journal is your GPS guidance system. it tells you what to do each day, how fast you are going, brings you back on course if you wonder off, and helps you to eliminate procrastination and depression - literally taking your 10 year goal one day at a time.