NBSR Workshop Series

Saturday 29 November 2014

Happiness Test

15 - 20 minutes
Is your happiness a luxury or a necessity? When you feel that your days have become an endless list of tasks, it's normal to question the importance of enjoying yourself. However, during these challenges your ability to remember what gives you pleasure is important both in determining the outcome of the challenge, and in the long term, determining your quality of life. Knowing how to feel good is a powerful way to boost your mental, physical, and emotional health. Take this test to measure your happiness index, and discover your happiness quotient (HQ).
There are two types of questions in this test: value assessment and solution identification. For each value assessment question, select the answer that is currently most important to you. For the solution identification, indicate your preference from the list of options. In order to receive the most accurate results, please answer each question as honestly as possible.
After finishing the test, you will receive a list of your strengths, your score on the happiness index, and a detailed interpretation of your happiness quotient with advice on how to proceed.
Take the Test!
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